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Canine Influenza Hits the First Coast

8 Things to know about Canine Influenza–

  1. Canine influenza (the dog flu) is a highly contagious respiratory infection in dogs.
  1. Canine flu is spread mainly by direct contact with secretions (coughing/ sneezing) from an infected dog.  It can also be spread to uninfected dogs if the dogs come into contact with contaminated objects.
  1. A dog of any age or breed is susceptible.
  1. Canine influenza is not contagious to humans 🙂
  1. After infection, clinical signs could not become apparent until day 5-7.  Symptoms include:  cough, runny nose, fever and loss of appetite.  Up to 10% may present with more severe symptoms… such as a high fever, lethargy and rapid breathing.  Some dogs may not show any signs of illness.
  1. Some fatal cases of 2ndary pneumonia resulting from infection have been reported, however this is a low percentage.  Most dogs recover in 2-3 weeks.
  1. Testing can be done by a physical exam, blood tests, radiographs, etc…
  1. Mild cases are mainly treated by supportive care such as nutrition, rest, fluids, etc.  In more severe cases, medication from your veterinarian may be needed to keep your pet comfortable as well as fluids to prevent dehydration.  It is unusually not recommended to use human anti-viral drugs.